Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Fast Metabolism Food Rx by Haylie Pomroy

I anxiously awaited this book by celebrated nutritionist, and #1 New York Times bestselling author, hoping to implement her "prescription" for the cure to the 7 most common ways your metabolism misfires. She claimed her eating plans can feed your body back to a vibrant, energetic, and thriving state. Who wouldn't want that after all!

Upon receiving it, I loved the cover with all the vibrancy of colors and pictures amazing foods bunched up in a big pile! Whole foods, equals a good plan in my mind!

However, I was disappointed that the book was pretty much a late-night infomercial for all the supplements she sells to reach your "healthy, vibrant, thriving state". Upon checking her website for the packages she offered I could quickly see a person could literally spend hundreds of dollars on a regular basis buying all the supplements that she says will help. But wait, I thought I saw fruits and veggies, seeds and nuts on the cover. The cover should have been a bunch of bottles of pills and an empty wallet. 

The book was quite informative and although scientific, fairly easy to understand with in depth explanations as to the hows and  whys. But to actually implement it and maintain that lifestyle is a pretty far fetch. Maybe because I'm not that much into indian food, but a lot of the recipes called for curry and the tea that a person is supposed to drink nightly was pretty gross...well, lets just say its an acquired taste. One which I never acquired. 

The book could have used more recipes as well, it kinda leaves you on your own. With three meals a day and three snacks, thats 42 eating events per week. Too much time and effort for the average person in my mind, and not enough recipe support. 

I think this info and better can be gleaned from a study of the internet. I think also, just cutting down on sugar and junk food would go a long way towards helping a person's metabolism. I speak from experience. 

I received this book from Blogging for books in exchange for my honest review. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Long May She Wave: 100 Stars and Stripes Collectible Postcards.

Kit Hendricks has put together a stunning tribute and great gift for those who love America and love the flag! This set includes 100 postcards with 50 unique images. So fun to open and peruse the various pictures and items. The richly-colored, iconic images stir up immense patriotic feelings in my heart! Each card is constructed of heavy card stock and contains the photo's description and year it was made or when the image was taken.

I spent many hours looking at the details in the images and traveling back in time through the rich history of America. With Summer just around the corner I highly recommend this as a hostess gift for your 4th of July party. It is a great conversation piece to pass around as you down burgers and wait for fireworks!

One caveat, the description lists it as an 11x14 edition, featuring a 3000 piece exhibit of stars and stripes artifacts displayed at the American Institute of Graphic Arts., however it is not a book, and there are not over 3000 images, its a collection of 100 postcards, with 50 unique images.

I received this book from Blogging for books in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Prime: Prepare and Repair your Body for Spontaneous Weight Loss

Hmmmmm.... Interesting concept, the brain is tied to the gut and when the gut is "off" so is the brain. The Prime is a detox program for the brain which Dr Kulreet Chaudhary found produced a side effect of reduced cravings and weight loss in her patients. A leaky gut leads to a leaky brain. Leaky Gut certainly is a buzz word of sorts in our day. I watched a program on-line yesterday where a man suggested actually eating dirt to heal leaky gut. At least this book is a bit more scientifically backed and results-driven...and doesn't ask you to eat dirt.

The Prime did give me thought that maybe there is more to a weight issue than just overeating or eating the wrong things...or is that just an excuse? I read the book from cover to cover and the steps are laid out in much detail with lots of explanation of the hows and whys of what it asks the reader to do. The author of course has a full website where she sells all the products needed to complete the detox..at a cost of over $300 when purchase in an entire package. Closer to $500 when purchased individually, for the shortest version of the program. The cost of the program will be a deterrent to many, but the tea components are something a person can buy at the local grocery.

I wasn't overly impressed with the book, but that may be due to my outlook on life. It contained a lot of eastern religion and similar which I don't believe in. So I read it with one eye open so to speak, tying to hash through the various ideas presented. I doubt I will travel to kinda for a special ceremony as the book suggests that one could do if they have the ability.

I would not recommend the book based on the eastern religious aspects of it, but if one is able to overlook and sift through it could be a helpful read.

I received this book from Blogging for books in exchange for my honest review.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lights Out by Ted Koppel

This book will scare the tar out of you! Its a must read, wake up before its too late. For years we've heard the warnings of the potential catastrophe awaiting us if the electric grid should fail. But those warnings have fallen on deaf ears, believed to be the rantings of post-apocalyptic doomsday talk and far right-wing preppers. In this book, Ted Koppel points out the very real possibilities, and every one of us needs to take heed. Mr. Koppel makes the very real case that our electric grid is very vulnerable to collapse due to cyberwarfare, EMP attack, or less likely, a solar flare. We have not taken the necessary steps to protect the grid; nor do we have have any emergency plans in placel to deal with a widespread collapse of the grid and the chaotic aftermath of such a widespread failure. Koppel's book is not a fear-mongering diatribe, instead it is a thoroughly studied and carefully written analysis of the real risks that face us all at hardly a moments notice.

Cyber warfare is a new type of warfare not faced in generations past, but its a very real threat faced constantly in our generation. Not just cyber attacks to the financial systems, which happen daily, but something a thousand times more dangerous. Relatively few nations exist with the capacity to launch a conventional or nuclear offense against us, but as Mr. Koppel states, for the first time in the history of warfare "small groups, even individuals, can undermine the critical infrastructure of a state." Its known as "Asymmetric Warfare" and we've seen it time and time again in America with ever-increasing frequency. 

This book should be read by literally everybody in the nation, including and especially our leaders. If only Mr. Koppel's book would attract enough attention that we would no longer ignore this very real vulnerability. But, our leaders are too concerned for other minor issues that speak to their need for power, control and money. God help us all! 

I received a copy of this book from blogging for books in exchange for my honest review. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Crash The Chatterbox

Ever wonder how to silence that nagging, droning, often crippling negative voice in your head? The one that constantly tells you you can't, you won't, you are not good enough. In Crash The Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others. Pastor Steven Furtick offers an effective strategy to overcome your inner critic, to put a stop to the bully inside. Through Biblical insight and practical steps, Steven lays out the plan to turn your self talk into an asset that can help you hear from God and be set free to embrace the the truth and leave behind the lies that hold you back. I highly recommend this book for your library. I received this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for my honest review.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

This Is My Body book review



The online reviews for This Is My Body by Ragan Butterfield really piqued my interest, seems I had a lot in common with the author and so I hoped to really enjoy the book. Unfortunately I found it torturous to read as he has a rather bland life story. I hoped it would be more of a tutorial I guess than just a random story of a man's life. I struggled to finish this copy.

I received this copy of This Is My Body from Blogging For Books in exchange for my honest review.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The No More Excuses Diet book review

Take a new approach to your healthy endeavors! this book lays out a different approach to dieting. It tackles those pesky excuses that so easily sabatoge well intentioned effort to shed those pounds. Maria Kang is the mother of three young children, and she has not let that excuse keep her from looking her best. She is an inspiration and gives a very detailed easily followed plan to keep you on track. Set daily personal goals that are easily achievable. These goals lay the foundation for permanent lifestyle changes. An eating plan and an at home workout guide round out the program. This book is a must read if you struggle with excuses. Get rid of those excuses once and for all, and step your health and fitness up a level. I highly recommend this book! I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review. http://www.randomhouse.com/book/246706/the-no-more-excuses-diet-by-maria-kang http://www.randomhouse.com/author/225208/maria-kang